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Maruthamalai temple

MARUTHAMALAI TEMBLE INTRODUCTION:-   The concept of the temple a place of worship is common to the whole of India. It is derived from the Vedas and the Puranas and found expression in many ways before the first rock temple was excavated and the first structural temple built after. The Hindu temple has been the most prominent public institution in south India. It was the center of most of the people’s activities not only religious but also educational, social and economic. Thousands of inscriptions engraved on its walls help in writing the history and also the land and the people. Manuscript records often fail but there are temple inscriptions and female tradition to rely upon. Tamilnadu has over twenty centuries of continuous cultural history . The greatest attraction of Tamilnadu lies in its magnificent temples. The temple was also much more than place of worship. It was a place for social gathering, for education, for celebration of the functions and ceremonies such as mar